Advertisers, welcome home

Here at PopAds, we put our undivided attention to your needs

No Risk

You can request refund anytime.

It is you who controls the rates.

You can decide how much a popunder will cost you.

High Security

Secure connection makes sure your deposit is safe.


Advertisers, welcome home

Set your budget, target your visitors, control your rates are just few of your high quality advantages of becoming a PopAds advertiser. We will do our best to serve our advertisers as good as possible. However, in case a campaign does not work out for you as expected, you can request a refund of the unspent amount of money in your account.
Whenever you're logging into your PopAds Panel, your connection is going to be encrypted by SSL. It's just like when you're logging in to your bank account!


All publishers pages are human reviewed and have our internal quality measure assigned. In addition, we have developed very advanced anti fraud system, which filters out all proxy, bot and mobile traffic. However, the quality mostly depend on the bid you offer.


By offering reasonable rates, support and fast payouts to our publishers, we have managed to get lots of inventory. We get more and more publishers every single day.
Furthermore, traffic speed is controlled by your bid - the higher bid you offer, the more traffic you will get.

Full Control

PopAds offers lots of targetting options: category, keyword, country and even time. You can change your maximal bid(how much you are going to pay for a popunder) anytime to control traffic speed and quality.


You have many payment options - you can deposit using PayPal, AlertPay and Wire Transfer. What's best, your PopAds account works like a wallet - whatever you do not spend, can be withdrawn.